Squid Pool




Annualized return on staking.
Average of lifetime rewards.

Next rewards in 2 days, 2 hours.

Return in recent epochs:


Blocks Minted

This Epoch


Blocks in recent epochs:



million ₳
% saturated.
Thanks to awesome delegators!

Stats provided by cexplorer.io


Pool Info

Squid Pool ID (Hex)

Squid Pool ID (Bech32)

Squid Pool Pledge
Pledge helps secure the network and increases delegator rewards.

Squid Pool Fee
Competitive 1.8% margin
340₳ fixed


Squid Coin Info

Squid Coin Policy ID

Squid Coin on CardanoScan

Trade Squid Coins on MuesliSwap

Trade Squid Coins on SundaeSwap


Shawn McMurdo - SQUID DRep Info

DRep Name
Shawn McMurdo - SQUID  

DRep ID (CIP129)

DRep ID Hash

DRep ID (Legacy)

Shawn McMurdo - SQUID DRep on CardanoScan

Note that all ADA stakers will need to delegate their vote to a DRep to be able to withdraw staking rewards after the Chang2 hard fork, probably in January 2025.
Be assured that you will still accumulate staking rewards as normal even if you do not delegate your vote to a DRep.


Cardano Improvement Proposals (CIPs) and
Parameter Change Proposals (PCPs) from Shawn

Curve Pledge Benefit

Forum discussion
Fair Min Fees

Forum discussion
Non-Centralizing Rankings

Forum discussion
Proposed CIP
Prepay Min Fixed Fee

Forum discussion
Reduce utxoCostPerByte

Additional earlier forum discussion

Stake Your ADA to Squid Pool
Delegate ₳ to SQUID


New! Delegate Your Vote to Cardano DRep Shawn McMurdo - SQUID



Squid Pool (Ticker: SQUID) is a Cardano stakepool deployed on Amazon infrastructure with custom built monitoring to provide superior reliability and performance at the competitive rate of 1.8% with 340₳ fixed fee.

Squid Pool is a member of the Cardano Single Pool Alliance.

Located in Santa Cruz, California, USA.
Running in the cloud.
Serving the world!



Our mission is to actively contribute to realizing the Cardano vision of creating fairer, more transparent systems that empower individuals. We aim to support the ongoing improvement of the Cardano platform and foster the growth of its ecosystem.



Squid Pool has been running since the beginning of the Incentivized Testnet (December 2019) and has minted thousands of blocks on the Cardano blockchain.
We have a history of superior performance and returns that you can count on!



Squid Pool runs on 4 powerful servers with dual hot swappable block producers for ZERO downtime during maintenance and software upgrades.



Receive SQUID coins as an added reward!
Claim your SQUIDs by going to dripdropz.io, enter your wallet address and hit the "Check My Dropz" button.

You can use SQUIDs to buy Squid Pool / Cardano mugs or trade for ADA. Other uses coming in the future.

Get double LOOKZ tokens as a bonus reward!
Learn more about LOOKZ tokens and WyldLookz NFTs at wyldlookz.com
Claim your LOOKZ on dripdropz.io.

Get NFT rewards for staking with SQUID!
Collect them all and try to get the rare ones.
Go to poolperks.io and hit the "Get Perk" button.

Delegators to Squid Pool who hold at least 1 Squid Pool NFT can receive an extra 50 SQUID every epoch!


Stay in Touch

Sign Up for Squid Pool News Email Updates

About 1 email per month







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Full node wallet from IOG
Light wallet from IOG
Nice light wallet from the Cardano community


Squid Pool Cardano Merch

Get your very own Squid Mug now!

Large mug with Squid Pool logo on the front and Cardano logo on the back.
Price: 5000 SQUID

Email merch@squidpool.com with your shipping address to receive payment information.